Our Goal: $1,000,000

Current Total:


Venture Fridays

Venture Fridays!™ is a happy hour bringing the micro business culture and investment community together. It introduces small business owners to local investors, lenders, service providers, and other small business owners in their area, while providing an informal atmosphere to discuss their small business financing, development, and other needs and concerns.

Creating, funding, and launching a small business today is no easy feat - not to mention trying to grow an existing one! The challenges faced by small business owners to secure capital and credit, manage credit and collections, and finance their operations are great. Credit is tight. Who do you turn to? Where do you go for help? Is now a good time to start a business? Is anyone lending? Where are the investors? These are just some of the questions asked by entrepreneurs today.

Venture Fridays! Virginia

Venture Fridays! is by Invitation Only for SBAS clients of VHCDC. Contact us for details.